Seventh Annual General Meeting
The A.G.M. took place on 12 May with reports and accounts presented for the past year and officers and the committee was duly elected for the forthcoming year. Julie O’Neill was elected as Chairman, John Byron as Vice-Chairman, David Prime as Secretary and Tony Simpson as Treasurer.
The Chairman reported on events of the past year and future developments to be carefully monitored. Vigilance is the key, for although Tarmac has withdrawn its application for minerals extraction at Bulocte Farm, Nottinghamshire County Council has carried over the Gunthorpe allocation in the Minerals Plan for the future after its expiry date in December 2008.
As things stand, the whole consultation and site consideration process begins again in August for Waste Issues and in October for Minerals Issues. We shall be studying any proposals in both these areas, especially to see if any attempt is made to re-allocate the Gunthorpe site for minerals extraction. In March 2010, more specific studies for Waste Issues will begin and in May 2010 a similar process for Minerals extraction will begin. The Association will need to be fully prepared and informed to examine any proposals at this time and to raise objections to any aspects considered unacceptable.
We feel that Burton Joyce residents may have been lulled into a false sense of security over the Gunthorpe allocation in the Minerals Plan. The threat has not gone away. Many factors may change during the present period of allocation which does not end until September 2012. The Association will remain vigilant and alert as proposals and information unfold and will keep residents informed of all future developments. Residents would be wise to remain informed and involved with the process; it’s the best defence against threats that the village still faces.
We had more positive outcomes to our work on flooding issues in co-operation with other groups concerned about flooding in the Trent Valley. The Environment Agency has committed to providing a new flood embankment for Burton Joyce that will run from the level crossing on Station Road to the new pumping station. This will offer flood protection to part of the village. As is often the case, there have been unforeseen technical problems and increased costs but we have received assurances from the Environment Agency that the work will definitely go ahead.
Our Chairman attended the Annual Parish Meeting on May 19th and reported on the current situation and our activities over the past year.
David Prime, Secretary.
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