Burton Joyce Residents' Association

Annual General Meeting 2008

Our Sixth Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th April 2008 at 7.30 p.m. in Burton Joyce Village Hall (Small Hall)


We look forward to seeing members there.


Latest Flood News

Committees of Inquiry in Flooding.  Following last summer’s floods, two national committees of inquiry were established – an independent review under Sir Michael Pitt and a parliamentary (DEFRA) committee.

We submitted evidence to the parliamentary committee and were invited to give further oral evidence when the committee held a hearing in Lincoln in January.  Amazingly we were the only Nottinghamshire organisation to have submitted evidence and were the county’s only representative to be asked to given evidence to this important committee.  None of our elected representatives or local authorities had responded to the national call for evidence.

This lethargy on the part of the Councils could have important implications for the allocation of any funding that might be made available for flood defences in the future, so we contacted our elected representatives urging them to put the experience of Gedling and the County on the national radar.

Crock Dumble Pumping Station.  We are pleased to report that work has started at last on building this pumping station.  Commencement was originally planned in December but was delayed for a variety of reasons beyond the control of the Environment Agency.

Burton Joyce flood embankment.  The Environment Agency is now looking further into other ways of protecting the village from flooding from the River Trent.  The possibility of an embankment parallel to the existing railway embankment is currently being explored.  Proposals recently received suggest an embankment from Station Road to St Helen’s Crescent.  We have responded to this proposal suggesting an embankment from Station Road to Trent Lane in order to protect homes in the Chestnut Grove/Winifred Crescent area which would receive no protection from the current proposals.