Burton Joyce Residents' Association

Gedling - New Consultation Document

The latest stage of the Gedling Local Development Framework (effectively the next Plan for Gedling) is now open for consultation.  This section is called “Local Development Framework Consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options” – yet another title dreamed up by the Ministry Devoted to Confusing the Public. 

There is a copy of this consultation together with a Sustainability Assessment (see above for comment on MDCP) in BJ library.  It can also be found on the Gedling website (www.gedling.gov.uk) by following the Planning links.

We have studied the document and will be making comments as appropriate to the purposes of our organisation.  If members have comments to add, please send them to Julie.  Alternatively you can send in your own comments on the forms available in the library.

Closing date for comments 21 March.