Waste disposal and recycling plants in the Green Belt?
The next stage of the County’s proposals for a new Waste Plan is in progress. A document entitled “Nottinghamshire and Nottingham Waste Core Strategy and Development Control Policies – Issues and Options” is now on the County website. (www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/wastecorestrategy) and in the library. It seeks everyone’s views on a range of proposals relating to waste disposal and recycling.
One suggestion is that facilities for disposal of waste and recycling facilities could be sited in the Green Belt in the future. (Issue 14) At present this is prohibited. This was one of the reasons that the planning application for Bulcote Farm, which included a composting plant to handle sewage sludge from the Stoke Bardolph works, was effectively rejected. If disposal of waste and recycling plants were permitted in the Green Belt we could see such facilities appearing on our riverside area to meet the commercial interests of Severn Trent Water’s local operations.
BJRA will be submitting comments on the document. If you would like to make your views known on this and other issues discussed in the Issues and Options document known to the Minerals and Waste Policy Team, Communities Department, Nottinghamshire County Council, you must do this by 8 December.
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