Burton Joyce Residents' Association

Parish Council Accounts

Parish Council Accounts

BJ’s Parish Council Accounts for 2005-6 are now available for public inspection.  Anyone on the BJ electoral roll can inspect the accounts between 9.30 am and 11.30 am from 2 - 30 August at the parish office.  You must make an appointment with the Parish Clerk on 931 4084.  See Parish Council notice-board in the village centre for full details.

For the benefit of those who can’t get to the parish office, an outline of the accounts is given below:

Parish precept                     61,516
Revenue Grant                     28,621
Capital aid                             6,093
Agency services                     900
Cemetery fees                      1,405
Allotment rent                        1,268
Sports ground fees              8,386
Playscheme grant                 310
Playscheme fees                  256
Bank interest                          735
TOTAL                               £109,481

Salaries                                 42,592
Administration                      11,064
Capital aid
      Rotary mower                374
      Trailer                              950
      Hedge trimmer              370
      Bins for sports gnd       393
      Xmas lights                    4,006
New office extension          6,108
Cemetery                              1,751*
Allotments                             787*
Sports ground                      26,966*
Sports gnd loan repay.       9,962
Recreation                            2,445*
Donation Village Hall          200
Donation British Legion      60
Election                                 1349
TOTAL                              £109,377

* excluding salaries and administration